Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing #3 My Avatar

Someone once said,"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." Working with the Avatar assignment made me think of this quote. I had so much fun switching out the hair colors, clothes, and other features....but it was challenging trying to get my avatar on to my blog page. The directions were not specific but after experimenting for a while, I figured out how to get the pic on! Somethimes I think we interrupt ourselves from trying and learning new things because a little voice inside tries to convince us from believing we can figure it out for ourselves. Once we do taste success we want to try more challenging things and we begin to trust ourselves enough to venture out again. I believe our students are motivated in much the same way. When they feel successful, they want to try more challenging tasks.
Yahoo! Avatars

thing#2..... confident learner

My most difficult of the 71/2 lifelong learning habits is the one about having total confidence in myself as a competent learner. I know I can eventually figure it out but with all my technical difficulties I feel way behind where I want to be in this assignment. However, I do feel very confident with the the "playing" aspect of lifelong learning and know I will get there in time. :)

Thing 1.....Encouraged

Getting to this point in our assignment has really encouraged me because up until now I have been discouraged at every point. For some reason I continued to have technical problems on my computer. I am happy to report that finally I was able to start posting a blog....after having to restart my imac several times!
Maybe I'll have an easier time when I work on a PC.

What do I hope to learn from this technical journey? For starters, I want to learn how to access blogs of interest to me, such as sharing lesson plans with other librarians. I also want to understand all the online things my own children use. They say Knowledge is Power and working with important to know what kinds of things that interest them!